I want to let you know of a few gems and links. Across the top of the menu bar, there are 3 little icons I'd like to explain.
My Spotify Playlist
My YouTube Channel

This is my amazon list--some of my favorite things that I regularly buy or have purchased and recommend when people ask me about them.
workout supplies
gel nail polish and led light
protein powders and supplements
my favorite planner
and more!
I will continue to add items to this as well.
This link will take you to my largest spotify list--this includes almost all songs I have used in my workout sessions. If you have ever come to workout with me, the songs I used are in this master list. In addition, from this link, if you click on my spotify username "brandygainor" you actually can see all of my playlists. If you have trouble seeing the lists, feel free to contact me.
This is my fairly new YouTube Channel. I started this at the request of the ladies in my neighborhood. I will continue to upload workouts and some individual songs I've choreographed. Enjoy! I sure would prefer to workout together, but I'm glad to help some of you get to working out from afar!
The other two icons, I think most of you will recognize, but they are for my Instagram account and my Facebook profile.